Love & Power, 2011



NTU, Faculty of ADM Library, Singapore 

Photo credit: Daniela Beltrani

Organiser: Marla Bendini 


1) To Dominate & Be Dominated: First Connection -- 2 China Students studying by the table. Artist connects the 2 students together and asks to repeat after her speech. Speech taken from book (Tell me what you want, what you really, really want, by Jan Verwoert). Speech becomes more confusing and students are unable to catch on. Artist scolds and hits them for stupidity.

2) Power & Translation: Second Connection -- 2 unknown strangers seated diagonally across from each other. Artist connects the 2 strangers together and asks if there is anything they wish to say to each other. Artist becomes middle person and starts relating messages to the 2 complete strangers. Artist catches them in complete lost of power.

3) Change & Unchange: Third Connection -- 3 students seated together discussing on important project. Artists intervenes and ties all 3 together (did not include artist) and links them to 2 different 'BOOKs of Knowledge'. Artists seek students help to retrieve the 2 Books. 1 Book is connected to a total strange, the other a Book on Fengshui.

Love & Power, 2011


NTU, Faculty of ADM Library, Singapore 

Photo credit: Daniela Beltrani

Organiser: Marla Bendini 

1) To Dominate & Be Dominated: First Connection -- 2 China Students studying by the table. Artist connects the 2 students together and asks to repeat after her speech. Speech taken from book (Tell me what you want, what you really, really want, by Jan Verwoert). Speech becomes more confusing and students are unable to catch on. Artist scolds and hits them for stupidity.

2) Power & Translation: Second Connection -- 2 unknown strangers seated diagonally across from each other. Artist connects the 2 strangers together and asks if there is anything they wish to say to each other. Artist becomes middle person and starts relating messages to the 2 complete strangers. Artist catches them in complete lost of power.

3) Change & Unchange: Third Connection -- 3 students seated together discussing on important project. Artists intervenes and ties all 3 together (did not include artist) and links them to 2 different 'BOOKs of Knowledge'. Artists seek students help to retrieve the 2 Books. 1 Book is connected to a total strange, the other a Book on Fengshui.

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